Media & Events

Quoted by the Financial Times

My best performing article on Medium is about Pret's coffee subscription:

Why Pret’s subscription model is great consumers but terrible for business
Subscription model doesn’t work in the coffee-chain business. Pret has opened the Pandora Box. Expect a price war.

And it was quoted by the Financial Times here:

There’s no such thing as a free takeaway coffee
Deals to tempt returning office workers are the latest stretch for the subscription economy

Podcast with my alma mater, Wellington College

Podcast with OWs Max Wyllie and Jack Chong - We Are Wellington
OW Jack Chong is interviewed by OW Max Wyllie and discusses studying PPE at Oxford, why he chose that subject and how he is finding life at one of the world’s most famous Universities.



A 'Core Lecture' for HSYLC-X 

I was massively underqualified and felt humbled to teach a class of 30 on 'How to be a Student Entrepreneur'. It was a group of Chinese high school students who attended an online summer bootcamp called HSYLC: The HAUSCR Summit for Young Leaders in China.

I also directed their Capstone Projects where students had to present their ideas framed around the Lean Canvas.

Workshop for OX1 20/21 Cohort

I delivered the first workshop on problem-spotting as student founders for OX1 Incubator's 2020 - 2021 cohort.

1st workshop for OX1 Incubator

Speaking events about how AI assists UCAS applications

More about Appli, the AI SaaS ed-tech startup I worked for.

Interview #1 with the Wellingtonians

I was interviewed by a student magazine back at Wellington College. To be honest, this is a bit of a troll interview.

Interview #2 with a Hong Kong magazine on studying abroad in the UK