Media & Events
Quoted by the Financial Times
My best performing article on Medium is about Pret's coffee subscription:
And it was quoted by the Financial Times here:
Podcast with my alma mater, Wellington College
I was massively underqualified and felt humbled to teach a class of 30 on 'How to be a Student Entrepreneur'. It was a group of Chinese high school students who attended an online summer bootcamp called HSYLC: The HAUSCR Summit for Young Leaders in China.
I also directed their Capstone Projects where students had to present their ideas framed around the Lean Canvas.
Workshop for OX1 20/21 Cohort
I delivered the first workshop on problem-spotting as student founders for OX1 Incubator's 2020 - 2021 cohort.
Speaking events about how AI assists UCAS applications
More about Appli, the AI SaaS ed-tech startup I worked for.
Interview #1 with the Wellingtonians
I was interviewed by a student magazine back at Wellington College. To be honest, this is a bit of a troll interview.